Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ADmantX - Web Service to Emotionally target online Ads!

ADmantX - a newly launched web service is all about targetting the online Ads world emotionally! ADmantX can help brands to analyse the contents on their web pages, how the content influences the reader emotionally, re-structure web pages and target the Ads world more accurately..Uses Semantic Web technology to precisely find real time information on how people react to the web content... Assists companies to hit the right note with regard to online advertising targets..
Currently in beta stage, Brroke Aker, CMO of ADmantX quotes, "Emotion is what motivates human behavior. After understanding the psuchological context, ADmantX plays on the connection between the ad and the reader, it significantly increases the ad performance."

More on ADmantX:

1 comment:

  1. well.. its actually pretty complex if u ask me. Was just reading a white paper of some univ sometime back. (Not geting hold of it as of now - Will pass tht to you sometime)... its a crazy stuff to do a sentiment analysis. For example when I just type - 'What a product'; it can be a horrible or an enormous product - how can an automated script understand this?

    more over if you ask an automated process to just understand the pshychology of a women's product guess the servers would crash :)) J
